
When Does The Overwatch 2 Halloween Event Start?

When Does The Overwatch 2 Halloween Event Start?

Personal Experience

As an avid Overwatch player, I am always excited for the annual Halloween event. The unique skins, sprays, and game modes make this event one of my favorites. Last year, I remember eagerly waiting for the event to start. I scoured the internet for any news or leaks about the start date. It wasn’t until a few days before the event that Blizzard finally announced the start date.

Event Details

This year, the Overwatch 2 Halloween event is expected to start on October 10th and run until November 1st. During this time, players can expect new spooky skins, sprays, and game modes. One of the biggest draws of the Halloween event is the Junkenstein’s Revenge game mode. This cooperative mode pits players against waves of enemies while defending a castle. It’s a fun and challenging way to earn event loot boxes. In addition to Junkenstein’s Revenge, players can expect to see Halloween-themed versions of popular game modes like Quick Play and Competitive Play. The maps will be decorated with spooky decorations and the game’s music will be changed to fit the Halloween theme.

Events and Competitions

During the Overwatch 2 Halloween event, players can participate in a variety of events and competitions. Some of the most popular ones include: – Costume contests: Players can show off their best Halloween costumes by submitting screenshots to the Overwatch subreddit or social media. – Art contests: Players can submit their best Halloween-themed Overwatch fan art for a chance to win in-game prizes. – Overwatch Halloween Cup: This tournament-style competition pits teams against each other for a chance to win cash prizes and exclusive in-game rewards.


Q: Will there be new skins and sprays for the Overwatch 2 Halloween event? A: Yes, players can expect to see new Halloween-themed skins and sprays during the event. Q: Can I earn event loot boxes by playing the game during the event? A: Yes, players can earn event loot boxes by playing the game and completing event-specific challenges. Q: Will the Junkenstein’s Revenge game mode return this year? A: Yes, Junkenstein’s Revenge is expected to return for the Overwatch 2 Halloween event. In conclusion, the Overwatch 2 Halloween event is one of the most exciting times of the year for Overwatch players. With new skins, sprays, game modes, and events, there’s always something to look forward to. Mark your calendars for October 10th and get ready for a spooky good time!

Overwatch 2 Halloween Event 2022 Start Date, Halloween Skins
Overwatch 2 Halloween Event 2022 Start Date, Halloween Skins from

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