
Which Two Events Were Causes Of The American Revolution

Which Two Events Were Causes Of The American Revolution

A Personal Experience

Growing up, I always wondered why the United States of America fought for independence from Great Britain. It wasn’t until I took a history class in college that I learned about the two main events that caused the American Revolution.

The Stamp Act

The first event that caused the American Revolution was the Stamp Act of 1765. This act was passed by the British Parliament and required all legal documents, newspapers, and pamphlets to have a stamp placed on them. This stamp had to be purchased from British officials, which angered the colonists because they felt they were being taxed without their consent. This led to protests and boycotts of British goods.

The Boston Tea Party

The second event that caused the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party of 1773. The British Parliament had passed a law that allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists, cutting out the middlemen who sold tea in the colonies. This angered the colonists because they felt it was a ploy to get them to pay taxes without their consent. In December of 1773, a group of colonists dressed as Native Americans boarded three British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

These two events, along with others, led to the colonists declaring their independence from Great Britain in 1776.

List of Events/Competition in “Which Two Events Were Causes Of The American Revolution”

  • The Stamp Act of 1765
  • The Boston Tea Party of 1773
  • The Coercive Acts of 1774
  • The First Continental Congress of 1774
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775
  • The Second Continental Congress of 1775
  • The Declaration of Independence in 1776

Events Table/Celebration for “Which Two Events Were Causes Of The American Revolution”

Year Event
1765 The Stamp Act
1773 The Boston Tea Party
1774 The Coercive Acts and the First Continental Congress
1775 The Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Second Continental Congress
1776 The Declaration of Independence

Question and Answer

Q: Why did the Stamp Act anger the colonists?

A: The colonists felt they were being taxed without their consent because they were not represented in the British Parliament.

Q: What was the purpose of the Boston Tea Party?

A: The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the British Parliament’s decision to allow the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists, cutting out the middlemen who sold tea in the colonies.


Q: What was the Coercive Acts?

A: The Coercive Acts were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party. They were designed to punish the colonists and strengthen British control over the colonies.

Q: What was the Second Continental Congress?

A: The Second Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from the colonies in 1775. It was held in Philadelphia and was convened to organize the colonies’ defense against Great Britain.

Understanding the events that caused the American Revolution is important in understanding the history of the United States of America. The Stamp Act and the Boston Tea Party were just two of many events that led to the colonists’ fight for independence.

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